our earth   ( reference NASA )

lights on earth

Lights of human activity shine in the image of earth at night (2016).

A view of air traffic in 2010 around the world over a period of 24 hours.

ocean pollution

In 2010, between 4.7 and 12.7 Mt of plastic floated on the world's oceans (estimate for 2025: 155 Mt!).

trees gain/loss

Map of global tree loss (red) / tree gain (green) since the early 1980s.

Annual fire frequency (red to white pixel for up to 30 fires per 1000 km² per day).

The evolution of the Arctic sea ice over the last 30 years (ice more than four years old in white, less than one year in light gray).

Ed Hawkins' "climate spiral" shows the evolution of monthly temperatures from 1880 to July 2023 (NASA, reference period 1951-1980).

We only have 10 years left to save our civilization from collapse!   ( reference FUTURA PLANÈTE in French )

As early as 1970, researchers at MIT (Massachusetts institute of technology) warned us: if we continued on the path of economic growth without taking into account environmental and social costs, our industrial civilization would collapse in the course of the 21st century. Gaya Herrington, a researcher in sustainable development at Harvard University, notes that the data available on our current world lead well to the two scenarios considered at the time by MIT researchers.

business as usual stabilized world
The "Business As Usual" scenario leads to a collapse of our civilization that begins around 2040. In the "Stabilized World" scenario our priorities change around 2020 and, by voluntarily limiting our economic growth, we manage to create a sustainable society.
Nothing is lost yet... but time is running out!

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updated 21-08-2023