you can use the dodecahedron on the right to test the commands
be patient while some applets load - Crtl-Shift-R reloads the page if necessary
As soon as the pointer enters an applet zone the applet takes the focus and keeps it until it leaves the zone (click outside an applet to reactivate the keyboard shortcuts).
If, to reach a pop-up window P, the pointer goes over an applet in the main window M, this applet, and thus also M, picks up again the focus and may hide P (use the task bar to give the focus back to P, or minimize M).
Below "left"/"right" points out the mouse's button to use, and "Shift"/"Ctrl" the additional key to maintain.
drag-left to rotate the picture around its center; if you release the button while dragging the rotation continues (spin) as long as the pointer remains on the applet (it resumes when the pointer comes back on it); click again to stop the spinning
Shift-drag-left horizontally to rotate around an axis perpendicular to the picture.
Shift-drag-left vertically to zoom
Ctrl-drag-left vertically to change the focal length
the "F" key toggles between normal and "wire view" (only the edges are displayed)
drag-right vertically to suppress one by one the faces of a polyhedron
the "S" key toggles between single and stereo picture; Ctrl-drag-left horizontally to change strength of stereo effect
the pointer starts a possible animation, and it stops when the pointer leaves the applet; a left double click stops/restarts the animation: when stopped, you may control it step by step with drag-right horizontally
some drawings may be dynamically modified: stop the motion (click anywhere on the applet), then left-drag one of the big points to move it (the appearance of a little square centered on the point when the pointer hovers over it allows to identify easily such a point) ; click elsewhere on the applet to leave the modify mode
the "home" key restores the picture to its original settings